National Archives Docsteach
The National Archives Docsearch app is a service that allows students to learn a lot about history and some of the most historical documents by interacting with them. They do this through reading the documents, having discussions about them, comparing and contrasting, and interpreting the data. This is a great way to learn a lot about history and these documents through the interaction that this platform provides.
These are examples of activities that students get to do to interact and compare documents.
In the classroom, I would use this tool to help enhance the information I am giving the kids in class to help them learn and master the information better. It will be used more for supplemental learning as well as giving me a way to see how well they have understood the documents that we have looked at.
This app is free to use so there is no extra cost out of pocket for the school or the teacher.
There is an easy way for teachers to see a student's understanding of historical documents without a test through discussion and interaction.
This could at times be hard to find applications for this as there is a limited number of documents on the app.
It is hard to differentiate with people who might have auditory or sight issues as there is not a lot of support for them.